Wednesday, August 11, 2004

The Feeling of Security

The feeling of security is something we all desire at a deep fundamental level. I was reminded of this when I read this post by Kevin Drum. Kevin points out that although many of us Americans are doing well right now, we feel that we are living on the edge and any mis-step will send us into the (financial and other stability) abyss. As I read it, I immediately thought of three people very close to me who have or nearly have fallen over and I realized again how close we all are. It seems that it is again an employers market and they know how we really "need" those jobs.

I hope that Kevin is correct when he writes:
This is likely to be the eventual downfall of modern conservatism. Human beings have a deep desire for a certain minimum level of stability and security in their lives, and eventually they'll rebel against a party that refuses to acknowledge this. Life today is so much better than it was in the 30s that people have forgotten the basic New Deal ethos that made it that way. But if conservatives have their way, it won't be much longer before they start remembering.