Wednesday, September 08, 2004

trifecta time

Well, my previous posts did not make it... now what was it I was going to say? Oh yeah, looks like Dubya hit the trifecta again... but this time with regards to bad publicity.

First in order of importance is the fact that the death toll of US soldiers in Dubya's war of choice in Iraq continues to inch up, now past 1000.

Second, the press has finally woken up on what Dubya was doing when his nation called -- no, not during the My Pet Goat-athon known as 9-11, but 30+ years earlier, when he was AWOL for the first time.

And it seems that the code of omerta governing the Bush dynasty (think about it, there has been a Bush on the presidential ballot for every election since 1980 except one...) has been broken by Sharon Bush, who reveals that Dubya was tooting nose candy at Camp David.

Gosh, with all this bad publicity, what does the man of action do? Run away, run away!