Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Kissing up to Kissinger

This is an interesting peek into media-govt relations.

For example, check out what Ted Koppel - the guy who killed Carter with the "x number of days held hostage" schtick - had to say in The reporters who loved Henry and what they said:

"...Although ABC News' Ted Koppel is a card-carrying member of the Kissinger cult and you can sense his adoration for Kissinger in the transcripts, he never really loses it until Carter defeats Ford and he calls to say goodbye on Nov. 8, 1976:
I didn't want to call you last week. It has been a [sic] extraordinary three years for me and I have enjoyed it immensely. You are an intriguing man and if I had had a teacher like you earlier, I might not be quite so cynical.