Saturday, October 09, 2004

Who the hell is...

...that short "ANGER MAN" who is running all over the screen YELLING at people?

He's what? He's the most powerful man on the planet? Then why is he acting like a schoolyard bully who's sucked down too much Kool-aid too quickly?

[Go here to watch him flip out]

And people wonder why we have a virtual coalition of one?... would you want to play in the same sandbox with this little freakazoid? Or let your kid play near him?

He's the type to wait till people are looking away before pulling a sucker punch and then pretend that he doesn't know how his 'playmate's' face got pushed into the sidewalk.


Mistakes are for the 'little people' --like taxes (smirk)-- if he wants to make a mistake, he 'hires it done.'

The only mistake he ever made was hiring people who can't follow the party line and allow reality to intrude in their assessment of the state of the world.

Now why are we stuck in a quagmire again?

No way in hell am I voting for ANGER MAN. Let him go screw up his own sandbox on his own dime for a change.