Tuesday, March 08, 2005

The ass-fucking society?

Here is Paul Krugman on how the GOP bankruptcy bill fits in with the GOP's other initiatives to create a more insecure society:
The Debt-Peonage Society: "Warren Buffett recently made headlines by saying America is more likely to turn into a 'sharecroppers' society' than an 'ownership society.' But I think the right term is a 'debt peonage' society - after the system, prevalent in the post-Civil War South, in which debtors were forced to work for their creditors."
My, isn't that Krugman so shrill and whiny. As if debt peonage were so bad? After all, peoples gots to learns their place. And if they don't like the metaphorical ass-fucking, then the solution couldn't be simpler: go in for real ass-fucking. After all, a man-whore like Jimmy Guckert (Jeff Gannon to you ass-fucks) became a nationally known figure in the White House press corps despite having no journalistic qualifications (does it get any worse than plagiarizing WH press releases -- my God, have you ever read one!!).

How'd he do it, you whiny-assed Dems wonder? Ol' Jimmy G. met folks and made connections the old fashioned way, he bootstrapped himself up by his G-string: soliciting $200 an hour (or, blue light special $1,200 a weekend) for a little friendly ass-fucking. Before you knew it, his 'sponsor' arranged for him to play Q&A in the White House, eventually feeding the Prez schlong-orific oral satisfaction! Pure genius! Who else but the Rove would contemplate making a real whore a media whore!!

If only those coddled Dems weren't so squemish and cottoned to the discipline their 'stern father' (wink wink) Bush is doling out they too could be rolling in the hay (and the dough). But NOOooo -- they're too caught up with 'principles' and 'dignity.' How predictably pre-9/11. In today's rough world the only way up is by rough trade!

The GOP: they just don't fostor whoredom, they deliver -- right to your boob tube!